We offer many types and sizes of Barracuda WAF Appliance deployments, ether fully managed or self managed. They provide comprehensive, reverse-proxy-based protection for your Magento store with the ability to see attacks and their location including the ability to block in real time. We can also see people crafting attacks on your server and block these before any payload can be successfully launched.
Protection against targeted and automated attacks. OWASP Top 10 attacks like SQL Injections and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) are automatically identified and logged. Administrators have the ability to set granular controls on response, allowing them to block, throttle, redirect, or perform a number of other actions.
Security that Enables Your Organization
The Barracuda Web Application Firewall provides superior protection against data loss, application-layer DDoS, and known and previously unknown zero-day application-layer attacks. As new types of threats emerge, the Barracuda Web Application Firewall dynamically acquires new capabilities to block them. These definitions are automatically updated and will “virtually patch” your applications, ensuring the highest security posture at all times. This greatly reduces the time between vulnerability disclosure and vulnerability patching.
Time-consuming security audits following every change can slow application development cycles. Barracuda Vulnerability Remediation Service makes managing security policies as easy as 1-2-3:
1- Scan your web applications for vulnerabilities.
2- Instantly remediate all vulnerabilities at the click of a button.
3- Automatically secure code in development with scheduled and on-demand scans.
Barracuda Vulnerability Remediation Service generates a report that can be used to automatically configure the Barracuda Web Application Firewall. You can then automate vulnerability scanning to maintain your security posture as your web presence evolves.
Granular Identity and Access Management
The Barracuda Web Application Firewall gives you strong granular controls to easily restrict access to sensitive applications or data to authorized users. Integrated Identity Access and Management pre-authenticates on the perimeter allowing access. You can offload User Access Control from multiple applications to a single consolidated device. Detailed audit logging provides clear visibility into user activity across all protected applications.
Intuitive Administration and Management
Barracuda Web Application Firewall is designed to be easy and fast to deploy, configure, and manage. Integrations with best-of-breed security tools ensure easy deployments into existing environments while providing granular logging, alerting, and reporting for management, compliance, or early warning detection. It can be deployed in High Availability clusters to ensure maximum application uptime thanks to redundancy and seamless failover capabilities.
Discover Existing Web Application Vulnerabilities
Web application development is a dynamic process, and with features to implement and timelines to meet, security vulnerabilities will inevitably occur. The Barracuda Vulnerability Manager is a non-invasive, web-based scanning tool that quickly discovers application security flaws such as those on the OWASP Top 10, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and others. It is provided at no charge by Barracuda. The detailed output of the scan lists all vulnerabilities discovered, ranks them from most to least critical, and provides additional insights to help you address them.